

New Life New Food

Probably one of my favorite foods is salad. sometimes you can get all the fresh ingredients  that are organic you need even now. Our producers have been growing in high tunnels for a while now, and of course, greens  are some of the first crops. Love it! I won’t be at the winter market this week since I’m planting too. Enjoy a local salad for me, will ya?


Spring has Sprung!?

Well, of course, here we know that means part-time winter. We have a rollercoaster with temperatures and weather. That’s when it’s time to eat smart and drink herb tea to make our bodies merry! Get up and out whenever you can …we’ve got a tea for that. We’ll be sampling our Gettin’ Up & Out Tonic at the Missoula Valley Winter Market. Try it with some herb infused meals this week and cozy up.


Keep up your Happy Heart!

Valentines Day may be over, but you are still loved! Keep up the love for your heart and body by filling it with all good things. We’ll be serving up some heart-healthy Oat tea and bringing you both Culinary  and Wellness tea herbs to keep the beat going at the Missoula Valley Winter Market tomorrow – 9-2!

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Winter is Time to Spice up Your Life

This time of year everything feels bla, but you can change all that at home in your kitchen. Enhance even the plainestof foods with herb blends and drink herbal tea for a different flavor to go with it. We’ll be serving and sampling Raspberry leaf tea at the Missoula Valley Winter Market Saturday 9-2. Find us!


Solidago…does it mean “Sun”?

I thought for sure the “Sol” in Goldenrod’s name meant Sun. It seemed good for an August market. But Goldenrod’s name means “to make whole”. You can blow up the last picture and read about some of the basic benefits. As I was reading them on Google, I was going “I need that, and, my husband needs that!” So, along with our fresh herb bunches, our Gourmet Herb Blends, Wellness Tea blends and our other tea herbs in bags, we’ll sample and sell cups of Sparkling Golenrod tea in the sunshine! Be whole, Lori


Summertime, and the livin’ is…?

Hot weather + water = a crazy explosion of all things green. It’s been hard to stop, take pictures and post when you’re trying to harvest everything! And, who wants to cook in this weather! Stock up on the new batches of dipping herbs I’m finishing up tonight. Bring on the vegies, bread and crackers. Don’t forget to hydrate too, I’ll have 15 different Wellness Tea Blends and about 40 different bags of single herbs to make you some herbal iced tea! See it ALL at the Clarkfork River Market–8-1.


Baby, it’s Smokin’ Hot Out!

I got a little carried away in the garden today harvesting since the cloud cover made it a little cooler! We’ll have fresh bunches of both culinary and wellness tea herbs for sale featuring Winter Savory. yes it’s less known and used then Summer Savory, but try it you’ll like it. Put some spice in your life! We ARE serving up a tea herb infusion of Elecampane known for it’s use for keeping lungs clear as in helping with smokey air. Come get some relief and vibrance in a cup!


July is Hot as Firecracker!

With a high temp day ahead, fresh is the need… and hydration. We’ve got it here at the market! Big Sky herbs will be selling bunches of fresh herbs and Curly Mint iced spritzer selling and sampling starting at 9 am.. when you get your fresh herb bunches, we will wrap them in a cool wet filter and put them in the apropriate waterproof bag. We have an individual info card too, with recipes for our individual culinary herbs. Stay cool, Lori@Big Sky Herbs


New… What’s not to like?

Finding out and using new things can be daunting at times. But what if you miss the benefits? Like, did ya know?… There are two main kinds of Oregano, one is known as “the Pizza herb” and the other is Wild Marjoram and is milder and sweeter and has immune stimulating proprties. Mugwort is an artemesia that detoxifies and clears, Lamb’s ear soothes the digestive system and Meadowsweet is an excellant ani-inflammatory. New is because we’re bringing fresh bunches of both culinary and traditionally medicinal herbs to the market, and they come with printed info! And also we’ll be sampling and and selling our tea iced with sparkling water from 9:00 on in these hot summer mornings. This week it’s Don’t Worry Be Happy Blend. What’s not to like?  


Fathers Day by an Herb Lover

get recipes and grilling tips with our featured herbs The weather forecast may not say summer, but everything goes with the barbeque this time of year… or atleast we Montanans like to push it where we can. This market we’ll be featuring Oregano for its many uses in honor of Fathers Day. you can eat it on your food cooked or raw, you can drink it as a yummy or healthy tea to keep illness at bay. Who knew! You can read a little more about it here before you come and get some fresh, in a cup to go, or your own bag of loose leaf tea or spice herb. If you can’t make it to get your print, here’s a download:

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